
您好,歡迎光臨山東興田陽(yáng)光智能裝備股份有限公司?齊魯股權 股票代碼:100817

2018年度表彰大會(huì )

更新時(shí)間:19/02/15 10:17:02     來(lái)源:www.2266uuu.com關(guān)閉分    享:

201921,濟南興田陽(yáng)光數控機械有限公司“2018年度總結暨表彰大會(huì )”在公司會(huì )議室隆重舉行,認真總結了2018年取得的各項成績(jì)及對2019年的規劃,同時(shí)表彰2018年度為公司發(fā)展作出突出貢獻的優(yōu)秀員工”“先進(jìn)集體”“服務(wù)之星”“優(yōu)秀新人”等代表。會(huì )場(chǎng)內充滿(mǎn)了喜慶的氣氛,洋溢著(zhù)火熱的激情,音樂(lè )將濃濃歡喜傳遞給在場(chǎng)的每位同仁。

下午兩點(diǎn)大會(huì )在公司領(lǐng)導和全體員工的熱烈掌聲中拉開(kāi)了帷幕。



總經(jīng)理助理、辦公室主任王德華宣讀了頒獎詞,公司領(lǐng)導向獲得表彰的人員頒獎。徐總頒發(fā)了“先進(jìn)個(gè)人、先進(jìn)集體”獎;魏總頒發(fā)了“優(yōu)秀員工、技術(shù)創(chuàng )新之星”獎;胡總頒發(fā)了“技術(shù)能手、服務(wù)之星”獎;劉總頒發(fā)了“優(yōu)秀新人”頒獎。

最后總經(jīng)理徐鵬對本次表彰大會(huì )做出總結,代表公司向受到表彰的各位同仁表示衷心的祝賀,向奮戰在各崗位的同仁致以真誠的感謝!

今年是新中國成立70周年,同時(shí)也是我們興田陽(yáng)光公司成立13周年。13年來(lái),在我們興田人的共同努力下,公司發(fā)展取得了一定的成績(jì),并開(kāi)始放開(kāi)腳步走出去,走向國際大舞臺。我們將以這次表彰為契機,學(xué)習榜樣、創(chuàng )先爭優(yōu)! 



On February 1,2019, Jinan Xingtian Sunshine CNC Machinery Co., Ltd. held the "2018Annual Summary and Commendation Conference" held in the company conferenceroom. It carefully summed up the achievements in 2018 and the plan for 2019,and commended 2018. Representatives such as “Excellent Employees”, “AdvancedCollectives”, “Stars of Service” and “Excellent Newcomers” who have madeoutstanding contributions to the company's development. The venue was filledwith a festive atmosphere, filled with fiery passion, and the music conveyed alot of joy to everyone present.

At 2 o'clock inthe afternoon, the conference kicked off with the warm applause of thecompany's leaders and all the staff.

Executive VicePresident Wei Shishan read the congratulatory letter from the chairman of Bangalore,India.

Executive VicePresident Hu Shicai read the commendation document.

Wang Dehua,assistant to the general manager and director of the office, read the awards andthe company leaders presented awards to the people who received the award. Mr.Xu awarded the "Advanced Individual, Advanced Collective" award;General Wei awarded the "Excellent Staff, Technology Innovation Star"Award; Hu Zong awarded the "Technical Experts, Service Star" Award;Liu Zong awarded "Excellent Newcomers" Awards.

Finally, GeneralManager Xu Peng made a summary of this commendation meeting, and expressed hisheartfelt congratulations to the commended colleagues on behalf of the company,and sincerely thanked the colleagues who fought in various positions!

This year marksthe 70th anniversary of the founding of New China and the 13th anniversary ofthe establishment of our company. In the past 13 years, with the joint effortsof our Xingtian people, the company has achieved certain results and has begunto let go and go to the international stage. We will take this recognition asan opportunity to learn from the example and create the best!

As a new startingpoint in 2019, we will strive to achieve better results with higherrequirements, strive for better results, and strive for a better tomorrow!  

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手   機:15863770888
傳   真:0531-87980587
郵   箱:jnxtsk@163.com
Q    Q:416211860 / 771714553